November Monthly medal

The November monthly medal took place at the Osprey Golf Club at Belmont Bay, a few miles from the Potomac Mills shopping center. It was a cold but sunny day. Well.. more cold than sunny.

Only 8 people could play. Enough for it to be officially a monthly medal according to the club's bylaws.

For the first time in a while, Neezam clinched the first place with a stunning victory collecting 34 points overall. He brought home a $50 gift card for Goose Creek Golf Club courtesy of CAMAR Event and Travel Services LLC. He also brought home a medal worth $30.

Second place goes to Aemran who was also announced the winner of the Battle of the 24th Cup for the month. Up next was Taufiq in the third place and Mazlan 4th.

The other players did pretty well too but the cold winter condition stopped them short from winning the presents. They are Hamairuddin, Nazrol, Salleh and Abd Rahim (not in particular order).

We will see if there is still time for December Monthly Medal and whether Neezam will be able to defend his title since he is not playing 21 handicap, while Aemran plays 20 handicap.

See you next time.

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