New Handicap System (and other news)

Dear golfers,

It is exciting to see more people are playing regularly in our monthly medal and unofficial games recently.

As an improvement to our club, we are introducing a new handicap system.
This will be your official handicap and is approved by the USGA.
Your handicap will automatically be calculated by the system after posting your score online.
(Admin will do it for you for monthly medal)
You can also get an official handicap card with your name and handicap on it.

*We are still going to use our 'club handicap' for the monthly medal to make sure that everyone has an equal chance of winning the cup. The official handicap will help us to determine your right club handicap.

Please look out for an invitation email in your inbox and let me know if you didn't get it.
After registering, please join the club 'Malaysian Golfers in DC' or ID: MYGOLFDC
Password: negaraku
The site has an annual fees of $12.95 only.
(You are not forced to register to this site if you are not planning to play regularly)

As agreed during the February Monthly Medal in PB Dye, we are introducing a membership fees of $5 per month.
Members will enjoy the benefit of invitation to the monthly medal and unofficial games with the other club members or VIP.
You will also be eligible for any green fees reduction during monthly medal or other games if there is any sponsor by the club, in another word, you will get your money back. Please make the monthly payment to our treasurer, Mr Salleh Kassim.

Let us know if you have any question or feedback.


Malaysian Golfers (and friends) in DC

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